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長敲棒 Long Mallets/ Long Sticks


  • 長度大約2呎,約61cm,有雙頭及單頭長敲棒選擇! 
    1 )紅色圓頭 
    2 )暗紅色平頭
    方便你在治療時候 , 減少長期彎腰對身體的負荷 。 
    **建議** 購買一對長棒: 一支平頭用作固定頌缽用; 另一支圓頭作敲棒使用 。

    Length: ~ 2 feet (ard 61cm) 
    Options:  (Single-sided  & Double-sided long stick for each options)
    1) Soft texture; round top
    2) Hard texture; flat top 

    To protect you from lower back pain from healing long hours and make healing easier with long sticks to perform your sessions! 
    Advice: *GET A PAIR* of long sticks as one flat top long stick used for stabilizing the bowls while the other soft and round top one for hitting! 

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