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特價頌缽 [Special Offer] Singing Bowl

HK$4,000.00 一般價格
  • 頌缽是具有聲音和振動聯合力量的東西之一。聲音直接影響我們的思想,振動直接影響我們的身體。頌缽也被稱為喜馬拉雅碗。據說頌缽可以促進放鬆和強大的治療作用。有些人將碗與其他治療方法結合使用,例如冥想和深呼吸。我們的頌缽由金、銀、銅、錫、水銀、鋅、鐵和鉛製成。有不同大小及不同音調選擇(15-30cm)。

    Singing bowls have many benefits:

    • 改善睡眠質素和問題 Improve sleep quality and problems
    • 改善情緒壓力問題 Improve emotional stress
    • 改善偏頭痛頭痛 Remove migraine, headache
    • 舒緩壓力痛楚 Relieve stress pain
    • 促進血氣循環 Promote chi & blood circulation
    • 平衡調理身體內在能量提升 Balance and regulate the energy of the body
    • 清除負能量 Remove negative energy

    如圖片顯示,各一個. Only 1 for each as shown.

    E :27cm (dia) x 23cm (h)
    E (邊紋stripe) :27.5cm (dia) x 13cm (h)
    F :26.5cm (dia) x 12.5cm (h)
    F# :25cm (dia) x 12cm (h)
    G :25cm (dia) x 11.5cm (h)
    G#:25cm (dia) x 11cm (h)
    A:23.5cm (dia) x 11.5cm (h)

    *實物可能會與附圖/ 以下錄音有差異,敬請留意。
    Disclaimer: Please be aware that there may be slight differences  between the actual product and the photo/ video recording sound of the bowls due to the equipment quality. 

    試聽 Listen to the bowls:

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