Small Buddha Bowl 佛陀小缽
頌缽是具有聲音和振動聯合力量的東西之一。聲音直接影響我們的思想,振動直接影響我們的身體。頌缽也被稱為喜馬拉雅碗。據說頌缽可以促進放鬆和強大的治療作用。有些人將碗與其他治療方法結合使用,例如冥想和深呼吸。我們的頌缽由金、銀、銅、錫、水銀、鋅、鐵和鉛製成。有不同大小及不同音調選擇 (約 15cm)。
Singing bowl is also known as Himalayan bowl. The sound can help boosting out concentration level during meditation and the vibration can prompts energy and circulations. Singing bowls carved with Buddha images are more powerful and can be used for daily chanting and offerings. Singing bowls are said to prompt relaxation and powerful healing. Some people use the bowls in combination with other healing practices, such as meditation and deep breathing. Our 7 metal singing bowls are made from gold, silver, copper, tin, mercury, zinc, iron and lead. There are different sizes and notes of sound that it can create (around 15cm).