Vajra 金剛杵
金剛杵原為古代印度神話中因陀羅的武器,代表著智慧的女金剛特徵如閃電(不可遏制的),或鑽石(無堅不摧)。由於質地堅固,能擊破各種物質,故佛教常借來比喻和形象地命名,金剛杵即取此義。 金剛杵屬父,代表方便;以金剛鈴屬母,代表智慧。方便與智慧二者不相離,故鈴杵必成一對。通常右手持杵,左手持鈴,鈴杵也有陰陽和合及慈悲與智能雙運的涵意在內。
金剛杵原為古代印度神話中因陀羅的武器,代表著智慧的女金剛特徵如閃電(不可遏制的),或鑽石(無堅不摧)。由於質地堅固,能擊破各種物質,故佛教常借來比喻和形象地命名,金剛杵即取此義。 金剛杵屬父,代表方便;以金剛鈴屬母,代表智慧。方便與智慧二者不相離,故鈴杵必成一對。通常右手持杵,左手持鈴,鈴杵也有陰陽和合及慈悲與智能雙運的涵意在內。
The Vajra is a legendary and ritualistic weapon, symbolizing the properties of Wisdom as a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force). It is used symbolically by the dharmic traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism etc. It represents firmness of spirit and spiritual power. The vajra represents the masculine energy of convenience; the vajra bell represents the feminine energy of wisdom. Convenience and wisdom are inseparable, so the bell and vajra must form a pair. Usually the right hand holds the pestle and the left holds the bell. The bell and pestle also have the connotations of the harmony of yin and yang and the dual luck of compassion and wisdom.