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"A Singing Bowl is

the Medicine of Thousands Diseases"

-Master Akash Banjara


The Power of the Singing Bowl

Benefits of Sound Healing

The sound of singing bowls are grounding and its frequency prompts relaxation easily. Meanwhile the vibrations improves our blood circulation and rehabilitation. It is very suitable for stressed individual to enjoy and relieve from pressure.

Nepalese Master Teaching

Traditional Sound Healing

Singing bowl helps to boost our physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, hence it is the best adjuvant therapy. We provide regular courses to teach about how to raise our energy level. Sound therapy is very helpful to patients of chronic illness and long term treatment receiver to alleviate their pain and suffering.


Student Graduations Photos

Over the last 5 years, we have organized various singing bowl workshops in Hong Kong and other countries, accumulating over thousands of students. We welcome our students to come back for practice and create a student network to support each other in this journey as a sound healer.

Student Feedback

2日課程節奏十分緊密,大家亦有足夠時間練習,因為之前已經有少許部份已經認識,今次是一個溫故知新的好好機會,而Singing Bowl技巧則是新認識,但Master都指導得十分詳細,而且會示範及讓我們感受,十分有助我如何穩固我的Healing技巧,2天之內能學到9個技巧真的是非常豐富,再次感謝Master的指導亦感謝Catherine的幫助及付出。

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